Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mixa Moxa

I had to post about this because I know it is one of those things that is so funny and cute now but I won't remember it later. As I may have posted before, Zander has some idiosyncrasies that make him very unique. He shakes and flaps his arms and/or jumps when he gets excited. I have had to tell people that watch him that he is fine and he is not having a seizure, he is just really excited. Another of these idiosyncrasies is that he likes to make little songs or chants when he sees something happening in a rhythm or repeatedly. That is where Mixa Moxa comes from. He likes to get on a chair and watch me make things in the kitchen. Whenever something is being mixed (batter, something in the Bosch mixer etc) he repeats "Mixa moxa mixa moxa" until the mixing is over. To us it is just part of Zander but when he had done it around others it has been known to crack them up. His other favorite is popcorn in the air popper. It is "pop, pop, pop" for that one. Oh, and who can forget his sprinkler obsession. It has a song too..."sprinka, sprinka". What a silly kid! I love him to pieces!

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