Zander turned 9 months on Saturday. He must have known it was coming up along with his check up at the doctor because he FINALLY started rolling over last week. He is so pleased with himself that when we put him in his crib to sleep he rolls over and laughs. Not just laughs, but cackles. He thinks it is so great that he can see over the bumper of the crib. I am sure it won't be long now before he is scooting all over the house. He is experimenting more and more every day with what he can do. He likes to sit on the floor with a bin of toys and empty it out by frantically waving his hands in the bin. He also thinks it is hilarious when someone folds or waves a blanket in front of him...we can't quite figure this one out.
I took him to the see the doctor yesterday and he checked out pretty good. He hasn't gained much weight since the last check up so we are supposed to work on fattening him up a bit. Haylie got to have her 3 year old check up while were at the doctor's too. I can't believe I have a three year old! I have been thinking I have a 13 year old lately since her new response to anything I say to her is "fine, I don't care" (imagine that in a snotty teenage voice). Where does she learn these things?
She started Sunbeams this year too and so far has done very well. I was afraid that she would want to follow me around instead of staying with her primary class. She is doing great and it almost made me cry to see her in there for the first time. It is kind of fun to be able to plan things for Primary knowing Haylie will now get to take part. Here are pictures of her on her second week of Sunbeams. When you are the Primary President the first week of the new year is WAY to busy to remember to take pictures.
Your kids are getting so big! I love the pictures.
I love the action shot of Haylie!
So I totally miss my home-teaching partner. I think my new partner is the oldest lady in the ward. It will be interesting. I also miss primary, not that I'm ready to be in it again, just miss my class and our primary kids. Zander is getting so big he is so cute. Glad I found you on here thru Rebecca's blog.
Wow, Zander is such a cutie. Oh and I almost cried too on the first day in sunbeams a couple of weeks ago. The past 3 1/2 years went by so fast.
Oh my how those kids have grown since we saw them last. Can't wait for all of you to come and visit so we can spoil them some more-after all that is what grandparents are to do! Give them hugs and kisses for me.
Love, Patti
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